// Simon W. FRGS
Simon instructs on a number of courses for R2Ri including first aid, Altitude Expeditions and First Aid, Off Site Safety, Water Safety, Navigation, Level 3 Award in Education and Training to name but a few.
Simon is an experienced expedition leader and outdoor instructor. He works as an outdoor education advisor to a local authority and has previously worked at a high level within the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
His passion in physical geography has also seen him undertake overseas expeditions both as a participant and as an expedition leader, facilitating others to enjoy physical geography in a practical outdoor setting. Throughout his career and personal experience he has have developed a passion for safety and allowing people to enjoy expeditionary ventures independently whilst maintaining high levels of safety.
His experience is extensive across all the mountainous regions of the England, Scotland and Wales and he has been involved with expeditions to the Japanese Alp, French and Swiss Alps, Iceland, Himalaya, Tanzania and Morocco.
Those experiences have included the use of portable altitude chambers to support both participants on expeditions he was involved with and those from other expeditions who were less well equipped on the mountains.
His work has included leading in outdoor centres training young people to operate safely independently and safely in remote areas whilst understanding their environment. He then moved to a management role within a local authority developing a county approach to outdoor learning. He extended this work with The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award focusing on both the development of young people and adult volunteers and staff to enable them all to work safely in the great outdoors. This included developments such as on learn and blended learning including assessor and supervisor courses and expedition training resources for young people. From the DofE, he moved back to another local authority with a focus on youth work and developing opportunities for young people to experience the natural environment.
Following that role he moved to the commercial sector working for a specialist adventure travel, expedition and remote area safety company.
This passion and experience has now enabled him to take on the role of Outdoor Education Adviser for West Sussex County Council. This role includes not only ensuring the safety of all those utilising learning outside the classroom both in the UK and overseas but also developing the educational benefits of such visits.
Simon has a Master’s Degree in Education, holds the Gold Dof E awards and has a host of outdoor qualifications:
Mountain Walking Leader (summer)Mountain Walking Leader (winter) trained International Mountain Walking Leader trained Single Pitch Award
BCU Level 2 and Level 3 Coach (inland)BCU Foundation Safety and Rescue Course Director BCU Grade A3 AssessorBCU Aquatic First Aid Instructor/AssessorBCU Coaching Processes Course and 5 Star Training RYA Power Boat Level 2 CertificateFirst Aid at Work Instructor/AssessorAutomatic External Defibrillator Instructor/Assessor IHCD First Person on Scene IntermediateOEAP Outdoor Learning Cards DirectorFirst Response Emergency Care Level 3VHF LicenceRestorative Justice Foundation Training
Simon has completed and is an instructor for the Royal Geographical Society Off Site Safety Management qualification.