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// Jungle


Are you heading to a Jungle environment?


We deliver pre deployment training from team members who have experience of preparing teams for and leading expeditions in jungle environments and also from our ex military SERE (Survive, Escape, Resist, Evade) instructors. Training and medical team members have experience of Jungle climes and learning from indigenous peoples from Thailand, Borneo, Cambodia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Chile, Belize, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Nigeria, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, amongst others - including in military roles, supporting TV production companies, youth and adult expeditions, as well as mineral exploration companies. 


Our courses have 100% civilian emphasis.


Training involves lectures, case studies and practical skills.


Our UK based, bespoke 1-3 day training courses for your team can cover risk management, environmental hazards, flora and fauns, preparation, clothing, equipment, lost procedures, survival, communications, electronics, emergency procedures, lighting fires, first aid, wound care, medical, team training and more. Alternatively, attend our 1 day Jungle Serpent course below which covers Jungle Medical and Key Operational considerations.


A variety of photos below from expeditions or field work in Borneo, Guyana, Australia and Thailand.


Jungle Environment Medical and Risk Considerations: Jungle Serpent Course:

























Our Jungle Serpent Course is a Jungle emphasis medical and risk management course, led by Medics and Operational specialists with significant experience in Jungle environments. Faculty scheduled to teach the course include an expedition Doctor with Jungle experience and a Jungle Warfare and Survival expert, trained and experienced following a full career in the Royal Marines


The 1 day Jungle Serpent course is intended to act as an environment specific day, to complement previous wilderness medical training with us. It is intended that the day covers key medical and risk issues relating to the environment in question.


Delegates will have an opportunity to ask questions from those who have lived, worked and expedition in Jungle environments.


Date: 17 April 2022 (Polar Serpent will be run on 16 April 2022 at the same venue). Final joining instructions were sent 11.04.22


Winter 2023 and spring 2024 dates to be released very soon.


Venue: Plas y Brenin


Cost: £150.00


Accommodation and food are not included but excellent, very affordable B&B accommodation and food is available at Plas y Brenin itself.


How to book:


Click the link below to access the booking course pack, once dates go live - for the course you are interested in. Download the pack, save it your computer and you can complete the booking form electronically and email to us. Alternatively, print off the pack, complete and scan the booking form back to us.


Only complete and submit the booking form if you intent to attend the course and be bound by our terms and conditions. Once we send you  an invoice,  a binding contract will exist. If you later decide to cancel, the contractual booking terms (found in the booking pack attached), apply.


Misty Slopes
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