// R/EMO:TE Medic Foundation Medical Module
// Remote/Expedition Medical Officer: Training Essentials (TM)

R/EMO:TE Medic
This 4 day course module is a stand alone course but is also one module on our 7 module R/EMO:TE Medic Programme. The module is designed to introduce Health Care Professionals to medical aspects (ie it is medical issue focused rather than trauma focused) of remote area medicine. As such, it is relevant for those wanting to operate as remote area medics in the expedition, SAR, overseas disaster response fields and more and has been developed by those highly experienced in each of these spheres - medical leads for Mountain Rescue teams, HEMS Doctors, Ex British Antarctic Survey Doctors, HART team Paramedics, Overseas Disaster Responders, expedition medics and highly experienced medics from the Special Forces Community.
The course is designed as the medical considerations module of our R/EMO:TE Medic Programme and is designed to gel perfectly with the rest of our Programme, with its progressive learning in remote medical fundamentals, trauma, prolonged field care, dentistry, wound care and risk management. It is a unique and well proven programme, designed and delivered by an unparalleled team. We also run other specialist modules that complement this course such as our Dentistry, Wound Care & 3 day Ultrasound Courses.
The course is run over an intense 4 days with multiple speakers cycling through the course - which is delivered by genuine remote area medics with significant experience of acting AS remote area medics.
The course Faculty are drawn from our wider Faculty which includes ex British Antarctic Survey Doctors, Nurses, Remote Area Paramedics, ex Special Forces Medics, Mountain Rescue medical lead, Diplomas in Mountain Medicine, Diplomas in Remote and Off shore Medicine, Diplomas in Travel and Tropical Health, amongst others.
The course is intended to support those intending to work as, or already working as, remote area medics - whether in the expeditionary or remote field operations space. It is not a course that is simply improvised kit. It is intended for those who will be operating in a formal medical capacity in a remote area - with suitable equipment. Delegates will operate from a suitable medical pack and be introduced to equipment and protocols/procedures that are suitable for a remote area medic. The course assumes prior medical knowledge (and preferably attendance on our Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support course in advance.
The module is supported by the new edition (3rd edition) of the Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness. Three of our Faculty are authors or specialist subject matter editors for elements of the text.
These are small group courses which are a blend of lectures, discussions, work groups, case studies, practical skill stations and scenarios. This is an outdoor focused course and delegates will be undertaking scenarios and training in an outdoor environment, irrespective of the weather.
Delegates will be expected to have undertaken pre study from recommended texts, including evening reading and video viewing.
The course is supported by real world, high quality equipment and training aids, from dislocation simulators to altitude chambers, catastrophic bleeding simulators and more, some of which, we understand, are, unique to us, in the UK.

We recommend that delegates attend our trauma specific Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support course first. If delegates have no pre hospital care experience, it is a pre requisite. This is a professional level programme and delegates joining the R/EMO:TE Medic Foundation course need a solid grasp of primary and secondary survey. The PHTLS course covers all aspects of primary and secondary survey in detail over two days and is trauma focused. The PHTLS course will often run immediately before the R/EMO:TE Medic course, with 1 day dental and 1 day Wound Care courses running immediately after the course.
The course includes*:
Remote medical statistics - what do the statistics say?
Medical planning, medical intelligence and evacuation considerations
Communications - including satellite communicators, trackers, personal locator beacons, satellite phones, devices and technological support to remote telemedicine
Remote medical risk and expert lawyer led legal considerations; standards, insurance, duty of care and more
Medical kits
Med bag options
Kit packing and transport
Use of simulation medications
Lightweight medical technology options suitable for the field; fluid warmers to Arclight ophthalmology devices, solar power solutions, ultrasound, lightweight ECG devices, ETCO2, Pulse oximetry, low range thermometers and many more
Preventative medicine
Hygiene and sanitation including water purification (and demonstrations of multiple filtration and purifications systems)
Anaesthetist led remote area and expedition pain management including Penthrox
Remote nausea and GI upset management
Introduction to incident response protocols and mnemonics
Primary survey
Secondary survey
Remote trauma
Stretcher systems practical workshop
Common medical cases in the remote environment
Tropical Medicine
Minor trauma, sprains and dislocations (including hands on with dislocation simulators uniquely, in the UK, available only to us)
Diving medicine awareness
Flora and fauna, bites and stings
Cold and heat injuries including casualty packaging, use of fluid warmers and more
Paediatric specific remote considerations
Gender specific remote considerations
An introduction to Prolonged Field Care concepts - what happens if help isn't coming any time soon
Optional evening sessions including walking blood banks and incident management desk top exercise (multi casualty event in a remote area including triage).
Mini expedition between scenario stations
Pre study/evening study:
Delegates are expected to pre study one of the course texts and then study sections from a second text of an evening, along with some specific pre recorded videos, to maximise course learning opportunities. There are some sessions run in the evening at Plas y Brenin after dinner.
Assessment will be by way of observation of practical sessions, end of course practical exercise observed assessments and a written (mcq) exam.
Pre Requisites:
Doctor, Nurse, Paramedic, Military Medic (current CMT1, RMA or above), FREC 5 or above. Delegates need to be hill fit and competent to operate in an outdoor/forest/hill environment for scenarios. For potential delegates that do not have pre hospital experience, it is a pre requisite that you attend the Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support course (we usually have one running immediately before the R/EMO:TE Medic Foundation Module). You need to be familiar with primary and secondary surveys and pre hospital care to get the best out of the course. Other delegates will be very familiar with pre hospital care. The combination of both courses is an excellent training opportunity and adds a solid, professional level foundation to your CV.
The PHTLS course is the world's leading trauma course and recognised in c 82 countries. It is often a pre requisite for remote area medic roles.
Key texts:
There are a number of supportive texts used on the module - one text is the sector leading Oxford Handbook for Expedition and Wilderness Medicine. Three of our Faculty wrote or edited sections for the new 3rd Edition. Delegates may well have these texts already, or may choose to access them through their library to keep costs down - so we don't include them in the course cost, to keep cost down and make the course accessible. Overseas delegates may also prefer to access electronic copies rather than hard copies. Similarly, we have a number of organisations cycling their staff through our courses, so texts can be re used to minimise costs. There are other texts/check cards that we issue that are included in the course cost.

This is a stand alone module but also forms the foundation level course in our R/EMOTE Medic programme. There are a number of topics that need to be covered in separate modules in order to be of real world practical use. Our courses aren't taster or experience type courses so it is important that what you learn will assist you in teh field and can be replicated in the field. Covering them by way of short lecture on a four day course wouldn't provide meaningful learning outcomes. Other elements in the wider R/EMO:TE Medic programme, beyond the 4 day course include:
2 day Off Site Safety Management Course - Risk Management - Prevention
2 day Prolonged Field Care
2 day Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support
1 day Wound Care, IV, IO & IM
1 day Dentistry & Maxillofacial trauma
3 day Ultrasound* (Doctor, Nurse, Paramedic and military medics only)
The International team that wrote/developed/contributed to and honed our unique R/EMO:TE Medic Programme was made up of a multi disciplinary team, all with significant experience in one or more of: overseas, expeditionary, disaster response, SAR. military medicine/military medical operations, Prolonged Field Care or adventurous activities experience - and all at the top of their game, including;
​6 x Fellows of the Royal Geographical Society
3 x Fellows in the Academy of Wilderness Medicine
3 x Authors/editors of the Oxford Handbook for Wilderness and Expedition Medicine
2 x Authors of the UK edition of the Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support Manual
1x Consultant Radiologist
1 x Consultant Cardiologist
1 x Off Shore Rope Rescue Medic and Off Shore Medic
1 x ODP/ Military Medic and experienced expedition medic
2 x ex British Antarctic Survey Doctors
2 x Doctors who are Diploma in Mountain Medicine holders
3 x Anaesthetists
3 x ED Doctors
1 x Diploma in Tropical and Travel Health Doctor
1 x Diploma in Remote and Offshore Medicine Doctor
1 x Mountain Rescue Medical Lead Doctor (and overseas expedition leader)
1 x ex British Antarctic Survey Dentist, remote area dentist. also responsible for training Special Operations Forces from multiple NATO countries
1 x Hyperbaric/Dive Medicine Doctor
3 x HEMS Doctors
1 x Dive Medic
1 x HART Paramedic (previously served in medical wing of UKSF)
1 x Adult Nursing lecturer - ex Mountain Rescue, Water Rescue and Medical Rescue
1 x Military Paramedic with extensive expeditionary (non military) and small team operational deployment (military) experience
1 x remote area risk management specialist
1 x remote area operations/expedition specialist lawyer (one of the authors of BS 8848 - the safety standard for overseas expeditions, field trips, adventure travel and expeditions, and ISO 31030 - the international standard for Travel Risk Management)
Input from multiple expedition leaders
Course Dates:​​
This course is often preceded by our 2 day Pre Hospital Trauma life Support Course. The R/EMO:TE Medic course 4 day programme is often followed immediately by a 1 day Emergency Dentistry and Maxillofacial injury course and then a 1 day Wound Care, IV, IM, IO course, to allow further learning to be bolted on, particularly for those coming from overseas or travelling a distance who wish to undertake a number of courses towards the R/emote Medic Programme in one go. Our courses are not 'taster' or 'experience' courses, they are meaningful training for this operating as or intending to operate in remote area medical capacity. If you want 8 days of comprehensive training, why not book on the lot !
Spring/summer course:
Dates being finalised and will be announced week commencing November 20024.
Winter Course:
June 25 date to be published shortly
10-13 November 2025. Bookings open 1 June 2025. We are happy to accept expressions of interest now. We will contact you once bookings open and will hold a place for you for 7 days once bookings open, pending receipt of a booking form.
We have PHTLS immediately before the R/EMO:TE Module, dentistry the day after, followed by wound care - an 8 day run of high quality remote medical training.
The National Outdoor Centre, Plas y Brenin, Snowdonia.
Cost: £695.00 which includes course fee, certification, examination plus access to (non compulsory) post course CPD materials, wipe clean field aide memoire, backpack friendly sized manual (issued at the end of the course).
Not included: Food, accommodation, 2 x course manuals (this is because many delegates will already have the course manuals as they are key sector texts - this way we can keep the course count down). Manuals are detailed in the booking pack. Pre study and some directed evening study during the course is necessary including some online viewing through our portal. Non compulsory post course materials and study are provided post the course.
Please note that this course is preceded by PHTLS and followed by Dentistry and Wound Care, to allow those travelling a distance or from overseas, to undertake a run of courses towards the R/EMO:TE Medic Programme.
This is not included. We have no involvement with accommodation bookings. We strongly recommend that you stay at Plas y Brenin for course continuity, as the module includes evening sessions after dinner. Your accommodation contract will be with Plas y Brenin.
How to book:
Once bookings go live, the link below will go live and will lead to the booking pack, containing our terms and conditions and the booking form. Download the pack, save it your computer and you can complete the booking form electronically and email to us. Alternatively, print off the pack, complete the form by hand, scan it then send it back to us.
Only complete and submit the booking form if you intend to attend the course and be bound by our terms and conditions. Once the booking form is received, we will review it. If you are successful in securing a place in the course, we send you an invoice, at which point a binding contract will exist. If you later decide to cancel, the contractual booking terms (found in the booking pack attached), apply. These include cancellation charges. We recommend delegates tale out travel insurance to cover any cancellation (and accommodation costs).
Please note that places on courses are limited. Our 'Why' is supporting organisations and good causes such as NGO's, Rescue Organisations, expedition teams and others that need excellent training at reasonable cost. We support a number of disaster response and SAR organisations who cycle volumes of delegates through our courses. Priority in terms of bookings/places will be given to operational remote area medics, NGO's and Rescue teams as well as other good causes. This is who we are set up to support. Instructors from other organisations delivering or seeking to delivering remote area/austere/wilderness/outdoor/expedition context medical training either now or in the future, are not eligible to attend this course*. It is a clear conflict of interest - there are other providers available and it takes a place away from deploying medics who need the training. We have a legitimate interest in ensuring that our Project and our 'Why' are not undermined. For that reason, those coming from other commercial training organisations should pay particular attention to reading our terms and conditions in this regard, before submitting any Booking Form. These terms and conditions are explicitly clear, are referenced here for awareness, are included in the booking pack (you have to scroll through them to reach the booking form), contain legally binding restrictions and are in place specifically to safeguard the great work we do for and with great people, great causes and to ensure the sustainability of our Project. We work hard to support others. We also protect our intellectual property robustly.
*It is essential that all elements of the booking form MUST be completed accurately to be considered for a place. It is a Condition Precedent of the terms and conditions that the booking form is filled in completely and accurately.
*Course content is subject to change/upgrade.
Booking link:
'It was a great course and I thoroughly enjoyed it...'
'Just home from another epic course run by Remote Area Risk International. R/EMO:TE Medic Foundation course completed. 4 days of learning from the best, aimed at professionals and part of the R/EMO:TE Medic Programme. Highly recommended. Great course and highly advised for those working in remote environments such as the expedition and humanitarian sectors.' - ex Army Medic (22 years Military Service and overseas disaster responder).
'Anyone considering working in the field should do this as standard.' - experienced overseas disaster response paramedic.
'Fab course, absolutely loved it.'
' (Have previously undertaken remote area medical courses) but not to this length, level or standard.'
'I have thoroughly enjoyed myself this week. Thank you for such an informative and professional course.'
'100% provided the ideal foundation for the R/EMO:TE Medic Programme.'
'Hugely enjoyable course despite the weather.'
'This fits with all the work we do with RE:ACT Disaster Response.'
'Usual amazing standard.'
'This was far superior (to previous courses undertaken elsewhere).'
This is the fourth course I have done with Remote Area Risk International now and it has been to the usual high standard. Great learning environment and venue. Friendly, approachable and knowledgeable Faculty. Masses of information. No arrogance, egos or bulls**t.'
'What you do works, don't change...'
'This course has given me more confidence on medical aspects, not just trauma.'
'Absolutely (useful).'
'Very experienced, professional Faculty and no big egos (a good thing!).'
'Absolutely (would recommend).'
'Excellent (experience of the Faculty).'
'Great course. Friendly knowledgeable Faculty.'
'Very experienced and engaging Faculty.'
'Yes (would recommend to others).'
Would you be more confident dealing with a medical issue on expedition having undertaken the course?:
'Yes! Increased confidence.'
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