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// Remote Emergency Medical Technician/ Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician.












We have designed the Remote I Austere I Wilderness: EMT course as a progression course for non health care professionals from our very highly regarded Remote Medical Responder:Wilderness First Responder course. This upgrade significantly increases the delegate's knowledge, skills and ability to respond to an incident in the field and look after the health of the group in your care.

'Remote' and 'Wilderness':

It is important to us that we meet the needs of out client sectors. That that end, we know that there are different emphases placed on terminology. Our courses cater for our target audiences but we respect the terminology for each.



We know that outdoor activity instructors associate with the word 'Wilderness'. In a medical context -  carrying a very small medical kit in a Mountain Leader or Expedition Leader context. 



Those operating in the TV, fieldwork, disaster response and NGO sectors associate more with the 'Remote' label, with connotations of larger med bags, operating from base camps or vehicles or operating with a full med backpack providing medical cover.


Wilderness & Remote:


We cover both aspects on our courses, with some scenarios operating from full med page (with delegates having been trained on appropriate use of all the kit), through to small med kits in an expedition setting. We issue badges and certificates under whichever label suits your sector best.

Given that many of our delegates work overseas, we have been cautious in running a REMT/WEMT course unless that course provides comparable levels of training to WEMT courses in the U.S. - where WEMT courses originate from.

REMT/WEMT from a UK perspective:

In the US, a WEMT course takes 4 weeks. Our programme is designed to fit the realities of the UK market, where smaller numbers of non Health Care Professionals attend higher level medical courses and often have less time and funds available to do it. To that end, we have developed a modular programme, allowing delegates to attend relevant training and to consolidate training post our specific Remote Medical Responder: A Wilderness First Responder course, to achieve the REMT/WEMT certification. Recertification is by attending a REMT/WEMT/ Advanced Wilderness First Aid or Wilderness First responder recertification every 3 years. Delegates are encouraged to undertake a one day Basic Life Support or ILS refresher every year, plus ongoing CPD, to keep their knowledge and skills current. 


As with all of our courses, the Faculty consists of experienced remote area medics, ranging from holders of the Diploma in Mountain Medicine, Travel & Tropical Health qualifications, Doctors, Paramedics, Nurses, Military Medics and more. Our Faculty page speaks for itself.

Modular and comprehensive programme:

Module 1.

The foundation stone of the REMT/WEMT course is our highly respected, long standing, tried and tested 7 day Remote Medical Responder: A Wilderness First Responder course (TM). That course requires approximately a week of pre study. We designed that course with a view to delivering a credible REMT/WEMT course and for the RMR:WFR course to be the foundation module, Module 1. 

Our Wilderness First Responder course, being the REMT/WEMT foundation stone, is delivered at a level higher than most comparable WFR courses. It goes beyond traditional basic first aid into First Responder level Pre Hospital Emergency Care.  This is for two reasons. Firstly, we wanted the course to be benchmarked and credible in the UK - where  we are based, hence aligning it to level E on the Pre Hospital Emergency Care Framework. We also wanted to underpin the course with a respected, non wilderness specific, Ofqual regulated First Responder certification as well as Ofqual regulated certification in the administration of emergency oxygen (we also add in Penthrox training for pain relief), to allow delegates to gain experience working as event first responders and as an important quality indicator. Secondly, we wanted it to be delivered at a level suitable to form a module on the REMT/WEMT course.

We firmly believe that to do justice to the REMT/WEMT title, that specific additional skills (reflecting the realities of the main medical problems encountered in the outdoors/on expedition) and additional practice are needed. To that end, our REMT/WEMT course is made up of the following modules.

This course includes:

  • Ofqual regulated First Responder level course (included in RMR/WFR)

  • Administration of Emergency Oxygen (included in RMR/WFR)

  • Penthrox Competent Administrator (included in RMR/WFR)

Consolidation phase:

Subsequent to completing Module 1, delegates are encouraged to gain experience working as event first aiders, Mountain Rescue, CFR's or as first aiders within their organisation and then attend additional modules to complete their academic knowledge, skills and scenario elements. A CPD portfolio is required to be submitted upon attendance at Module 2.

Upskilling phase :

Importantly, the modules allow delegates to gain knowledge and skills that are important in the remote area and wilderness settings, whilst also achieving additional, highly relevant and testing qualifications.

At the completion of the programme, delegates will have significant levels of knowledge, undertaken multiple skill stations and undertaken multiple knowledge assessments, will have had time (by their own arrangement) to get hands on experience in event medical cover, evidencing this in a portfolio and observe medical treatment and demonstrated skills in numerous practical settings - both by way of individual and group assessments.

Module 2 : REMT/WEMT upgrade module.

Post RMR/WFR  and consolidation, the REMT/WEMT final module runs as one 7 day module.

The upgrade from RMR/WFR to WEMT sees significant additional knowledge, skills, assessment and scenario based training. Delegates are also trained on safe administration of medications - to prepare them for issue of medications by their own organisation under their organisation's Clinical Governance. There is approximately 2 weeks pre study, including study from the RMR/WFR content.

REMT/WEMT upgrade (7 days).

  • Setting the scene - what the statistics say. Most likely incidents (fatal), most likely incidents and injuries (non fatal), depending on activity. Tope ten of what goes wrong.

  • Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support- The international Gold standard in Pre Hospital Trauma Care. A significant knowledge and skills enhancement module with specific remote area and wilderness material. Also acts as a thorough refresher and enhancement of CABCDE elements from the RMR/WFR course, demonstrates and evidences that the pre study (and understanding of it) is in place. The UK localised edition (JRCALC compliant and endorsed by the College of Paramedics) saw a number of our Faculty amongst its editors and specifically includes environmental considerations from heat, cold, altitude, diving, remote area trauma, Prolonged Field Care considerations and other relevant considerations.

  • BLS/CPR/AED refresher

  • Safe administration of medications 

  • Pain relief - including use of medications (including Penthrox refresher and re qualification) and non medication based pain relief.

  • Wound Care  - theory and hands on practical - learn how to assess, clean, close ...(or know when not to close), wounds. Plus assisting a Health Care Professional with IV, IO and IM access.

  • Prolonged Field Care training and scenario (2 days) - nursing skills, protocols, group management, kits, what happens when help doesn't arrive - how to care for a patient in the longer term, observations and trends, working with helicopters, evacuations, comms use and more.​​

  • Extended scenario training including night time scenarios

  • Examinations, skills assessments and scenario based assessments. Examinations also included all the elements of the RMR/WFR course content.

Finally, we encourage REMT/WEMT delegates to undertake the Off Site Safety Management Course. This course is aimed an preventing problems happening in the first place and covers planning, management in the field including minor and major incident management.

Overview Contents list encompassing the whole programme including pre requisites

  • First Aid Kits

  • Difference between Outdoor and Remote Area First Aid

  • Evacuation necessary ailments 

  • Communications including trackers, sat phones and radios 

  • Calling for help and what to say

  • Telemedicine and telemedicine scripts

  • Prolonged Field Care including patient nursing skills and an overnight scenario

  • Packaging and evacuation including practice with multiple commercial and improvised stretcher options.

  • Working with helicopters

  • Handing over to rescue medical teams

  • Law and the Wilderness - delivered by an expedition legal expert.

  • Consent

  • Hygiene 

  • Scene Safety

  • Patient Assessment scene sizeup, primary & secondary survey

  • Airway management including OPA's, NPA's & iGELS.

  • Breathing including BVM's and Oxygen Administration.

  • Bleeding and Shock including catastrophic bleeding, tourniquets and haemostatic agents - using high quality woundcubes, skill trainers and manikins.

  • Vitals Workshop including blood pressure, pulse oximetry and more

  • Heat Induced Injuries 

  • Hypothermia and Cold Injuries 

  • Head trauma and spinal injuries

  • Lightning Injuries and Prevention 

  • Medical Problems in the field

  • Anaphylaxis and Allergies

  • Musculoskeletal Injuries: Dislocations, Fractures, Sprains & strains

  • Drowning and water safety

  • Eye injuries and disorders

  • Water Disinfection and hydration

  • Wilderness Medical Kits

  • Wilderness Wound Management including wound cleaning and closure, suturing, use of glue, steri strips, improvised techniques, debridement, dressings.

  • Chest Injuries including needle decompression and chest seals

  • Abdominal Injuries 

  • Gastro intestinal problems

  • Bites and stings

  • Altitude Illness including hands on training with Portable Altitude Chambers

  • Fractures & dislocations including SAM Splints, Pelvic Binders (commercial and improvised) and Kendrick Traction Devices

  • Avalanche Survival 

  • Bites and stings

  • Evacuation Guidelines for complex situations 

  • Dive Medicine 

  • Head & Spine 

  • Gender specific Emergencies

  • Hydration and nutrition

  • Poisoning

  • Skin conditions

  • Tropical illnesses

  • Infectious disease

  • Medical Problems including diabetes, asthma, heart attack, stroke, epilepsy (amongst others)

  • Wilderness Dentistry

  • Abdominal pain 

  • Psychological issues in the wilderness

  • Athletic Injuries (sprains, strains, etc).

  • Pain relief including Penthrox administration

  • Safe administration of medications

  • Misc wilderness problems

  • Assisting the medic with IV, IM, IO access


We certificate this course with an REMT/WEMT certificate.

Certificates gained* during the whole programme (including RMR/WFR) include:

Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician/Remote Emergency Medical Technician

Remote Medical Responder: An Enhanced Wilderness First Responder course*

BLS,CPR and AED Certification*

Ofqual regulated 5 day First Responder certification (including CPR and AED use)*

Ofqual regulated Administration of Emergency Gases*

Celox - Catastrophic bleeding*

Penthrox Competent Administrator*

Ofqual regulated Safe administration of medications

Prolonged Field Care

Wound Care

Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support

*Only issued to those undertaking the RMR/WFR route as module 1.

Pre - requisites:


Delegates much be 18 or over and undertaken Module 1 or the specified alternatives.

The RMR/WFR course certificate must be in date on the first day of Module 2. Delegates will hit the ground running on Module 2 and will be expected to be up to date with and competent in both the skills and knowledge gained during the Module 1: RMR/WFR course. Pre study and currency is essential. 


Module 2: REMT/WEMT upgrade: £1500.00.

Accommodation and food are not included.

Delegates will be sent a list of pre course reading that they must acquire and study prior to the course. This will include the RMR/WFR pre reading, PHTLS manual and the Oxford Expedition Medical Handbook (3rd ed out imminently)..


Next dates : 2025 


Click the link below to access the booking course pack for the course you are interested in. Download the pack, save it your computer and you can complete the booking form electronically and email to us. Alternatively, print off the pack, complete and scan the booking form back to us. Terms and Conditions can be found in the booking pack and any booking form submitted to us is subject to these booking terms and conditions (including cancellation charges).

Booking link:

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